8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
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‘Fresh off the Boat’ Episode Review: “Clean Slate”
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
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Author Archives: Vanessa
Mail-Order Husbands: Brilliant or Disturbing?
We’re all familiar with the mail-order bride. Now, the emergence of an imported mail-order husband business of sorts has emerged by way of Thailand. Thai women who grow up “always dreaming of marrying a foreigner” are bought as brides by … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, Lifestyles
Our Right to be American: Repeal of 14th Amendment an Equal-Opportunity Offender
Recent calls from Republican senators to repeal the 14th amendment, lead by Senator Lindsay Graham, seeking to repeal the birthright granting American citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil, are shocking and absurd. In the wake of recent controversy over … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Politics
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Healthy API Representation at 2010 MTV Movie Awards
By Vanessa Amidst the numerous glittery ensembles and awkward scripted antics of celebrity presenters, the 2010 MTV movie awards this past Sunday featured a surprisingly healthy number of Asian male actors as presenters, nominees and winners. The panel of heavy-hitters … Continue reading
Posted in Comedy, Entertainment, Movies, TV
Tagged Aziz Ansari, Jackie Chan, Ken Jeong, MTV Movie Awards, Ninja Assassin, Parks and Recreation, Rain, The Hangover