8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
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Category Archives: Asian American Commercial Watch
Asian American Commercial Watch: Audi Presents Science Fair
This Audi Ad features Filipino American actor Jacob Batalon and Tom Holland play their characters from the movie Spider-Man: Far from Home. Despite his sidekick role here and in the movie, I really enjoyed Spider-Man: Far from Home, particularly the … Continue reading
Posted in 8Series, Asian American Commercial Watch, Movies
Tagged Audi, Jacob Batalon, Tom Holland
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Asian American Commercial Watch: Essilor Ultimate Lens Package – Eyezen Single Vision Lenses
https://youtu.be/AYnLu2qrjU4 While watching the March Madness game of Texas Tech vs. Gonzaga, I caught this commercial: “Learn more about how you can get $100 instantly* when you purchase the Essilor Ultimate Lens PackageTM and a second pair of qualifying lenses … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: McDonalds – Mike Ginn
https://youtu.be/WD1Ln_4ttHo I saw this commercial originally posted/shared on Facebook, with actor Mike Ginn playing a bartender closing up and catching breakfast after a long night: “No matter how different we are, at McDonald’s, we have more in common than we … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: This is the Avery’s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry9Ugw0S4aA Asian Americans are in more and more TV commercials these days, but when I saw this Wells Fargo ad, it immediately caught my attention. Rather than the familiar white man Asian woman couple commonly portrayed in commercials, it has … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Discover’s ‘”Freak Out: Spread the News”
https://youtu.be/rKpIikS2Oik This spot is called “Freak Out: Spread the News,” starring actress Stephanie Hsu. Discover Card has had Asian Americans in their commercials before. In fact, it looks like they have revisited the character from a previous Discover card ad … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Bounty’s ‘Pirate’
https://youtu.be/-a7P4t2cxf0 I was pleasantly surprised to see this Bounty commercial while watching NBC Nightly News over the weekend recently depicting a dad with his two daughters: “Spilled something? Quick! The Quicker Picker Upper! Bounty paper towels pick up spills quicker … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Rocket Mortgage by Quicken Loans’s ‘Megan Is Confident’
https://youtu.be/YtcYRdabEA0 Buying a house and applying for a mortgage can be a complicated and intimidating process, but Rocket Mortgage by Quicken Loans is supposed to make the mortgage part easy: “Megan may have confidence in the courtroom, but when it … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: McDonald’s ‘Office Kleptos’
https://youtu.be/2eyLiLgaP1I I can’t recall having brought my lunch to work and having it taken. However, in this McDonald’s commercial, that is the premise of this commercial: “Check out the new $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu if you have coworkers at … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Day in the Life with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
If you own a high-end Android smartphone, it most likely has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Recently, Qualcomm announced their latest and greatest, the Snapdragon 845, and highlights some of the benefits in their corporate video (okay, so not really a … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Panda Express’ “Breaking the Ice”
I just saw this new Panda Express TV commercial, “Introducing Peking Pork – Breaking the Ice“: “New Peking Pork from Panda Express is peking your appetite with crispy pork chop bites, hand- cut peppers and white onion, wok-tossed in a … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Toyota & “Different Ads, Different Ethnicities, Same Car”
https://youtu.be/HMlmPxD9KK8 A recent New York Times article covers Toyota’s marketing efforts: Companies have developed commercial campaigns aimed at minority groups for years, often in conjunction with specialized ad agencies. But Toyota’s efforts show how major companies are adjusting their marketing … Continue reading