Category Archives: Health

Asian American Students Are Most Bullied In School

We’re seen as overachievers and geeks but you can add a new name for Asian Americans to that list: bully victims. A recent study has revealed that Asian American students suffer the most bullying from their classmates and teachers in … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Education, Family, Health, Lifestyles | 42 Comments

APA Spotlight: Larry Lee, Executive Director, New York Asian Women’s Center (NYAWC)

APA Spotlight is a weekly interview of Asian Pacific Islander Americans (APIA) community leaders. It is a spotlight on individuals who have dedicated their careers to issues surrounding the APIA community with the goal of bringing much deserved recognition to … Continue reading

Posted in APA Spotlight, Health, Lifestyles, Nonprofit | Leave a comment

Agent Orange Studies Overlook Vietnamese Americans But House Bill Attempts To Rectify Problem

The author of this New America Media commentary mentions that her father, a South Vietnamese Army Veteran, contracted liver cancer and points out that while studies have been done on the effects of Agent Orange on American veterans, the effects … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Current Events, Discrimination, Environment, Health, Lifestyles, Politics | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Photojojo Founder Amit Gupta Has Leukemia, Searching for South Asian Bone Marrow Donors

Amit Gupta, founder of popular camera website Photojojo, has been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia, and is appealing to South Asians on the Internet to get swabbed for a possible bone marrow match. The National Bone Marrow Registry has 9.5 million … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Health, Technology | Leave a comment

Craigslist Ad For Fragile Girls in Koreatown

After swimming a mile and purchasing the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Personal Trainer Kinect game, I see the above ad on Craig’s List: EXTRA THIN FEMALES $3000-$5000 (incl tips) (LOS ANGELES) Karaoke Club companies in Koreatown continue recruitment of friendly … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles, WTF | 38 Comments

Anti-Alcoholism Drug Works Better on (East) Asian Americans

Here at 8Asians, we always love having an excuse to put up the picture of Drunk Ernie, especially since a picture of a drunk me isn’t quite as hilarious, even if I am also a fat gay Asian guy who’s … Continue reading

Posted in Food & Drink, Health, Lifestyles | 12 Comments

The “Asian Effect” Of APAs Outperforming Others Is Not Gene Based

There’s no doubt that Asians Americans out perform other races in elementary, middle and high school. We have plenty of test results that show Asian Americans score higher on standardized tests. In 2008, a study found that even as young … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Family, Health, Lifestyles | 21 Comments

Is Tofu Terrific or Terrible?

I like tofu, and I often choose it in place of meat or featured in dishes like mapo tofu.  I have always thought of it as healthy meat substitute.  I then came across this article titled “Health food or Dietary … Continue reading

Posted in Food & Drink, Health | Tagged , | 16 Comments

How Asian American Parents Can Save Lives: Donate Cord Blood

Thuy Diem Tran noticed that wherever she scratched, she would instantly get a rash.  “One day I was shopping and tried on lip gloss, pressing my lips together, and the next day my lips were black with bruising.”  She was … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The 8Asians Talk About: Eel Removed From Man’s Bladder In China

Our internal e-mail lists have us discussing all kinds of stuff: Asian American identity, representation in the media, the experiences of activism in an academia setting and its progression as we transition to the working, adult world. And sometimes, we … Continue reading

Posted in Beauty, DUDE WTF ASIA, Health, Lifestyles, Observations, TalkAbout, WTF | 14 Comments

As The National Smoking Rates Decline, APA Youth’s Smoking Rates Rise

Though smoking is on the decline in America, “social smoking” is increasing for Asian Americans. According to the American Lung Association, APAs have the lowest smoking rates among adults. However, that doesn’t tell us the full story of the dangers … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles | Leave a comment

Suicide Toll Doubles In South Korea

A new study from South Korea has revealed that the suicide rate has doubled over the past ten years: “The new figures show that in 2009 more than 40 people killed themselves each day in South Korea. This is more … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Health | Leave a comment