Category Archives: Health

Overweight or Overdone: A Panel of Little Girls Discuss Body Image

ABC News gathered a panel of 5 to 8-year-old girls and asked their opinions on what’s fat, what’s thin, what looks good and what looks bad. Their bluntly honest answers aligned, sadly, with a recent study that suggested almost half … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Health, Lifestyles | 23 Comments

Maternity Tourism Not Only Used For Anchor Babies

A new article from Star News on Maternity Tourism in Queens, NY challenges the previous assumption that Maternity Tourism — the act of a foreigner coming to the U.S. solely for the purpose of delivering their baby in the U.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Current Events, Family, Health, Lifestyles, New York | 2 Comments

Japanese American Eldercare: Foreshadowing an Aging Future

When the Wife and I have lunch in San Jose’s Japantown, we often notice Japanese Americans seniors eating there also.  Some of the more notable buildings in San Jose’s Japantown are the Fuji Towers, an apartment complex for Japanese American … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Pickled Vegetables Like Kimchi Put Asians At More Risk For Cancer

[Editor’s note: There is some change in thinking about kimchi that it might actually be good for you] Buried in the news last week that the World Health Organization put cell phones on the list of carcinogens were articles talking … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Food & Drink, Health | 19 Comments

The Science and History of the Asian Squat

The Asian squat. I’ve always been able to do it naturally. For those of you who don’t know, the Asian squat is when you have both feet on the ground, butt touching ankles and knees spread wide. I’ve always done … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Health, Lifestyles | Tagged | 103 Comments

How Culture Affects Our Perception In The Face Of Death

Like anything else, it turns out the way we respond to our mortality is influenced by our culture. A new study in Psychological Science reveals the differences between European Americans and Asian Americans in the way they react to their … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles, Observations | 10 Comments

Why Do Asians Suck at Offering Pregnant Women a Subway Seat?

By Anonymous What do you get when you combine one HEAVILY preggers Asian American woman and the NYC subway system during rush hour? An ideal opportunity for an informal social experiment, of course. During the last three months of my … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles, New York, Observations | 47 Comments

Breast Cancer Risk Calculator Updated for Asian American Women

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT) has been updated to better deal with Asian American women.  BCRAT is used to estimate the risk for women of developing invasive breast cancer and was originally based on … Continue reading

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Restoring The Light: Bringing Health Care To Rural China

Restoring the Light was first brought to our attention at the 2011 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival with its story about Dr. Zhang, a doctor fighting to bring transformative health care to the rural areas of northwest China. The … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Family, Health, Movies | Leave a comment

Fawn Lee: Dying Mom Struggles to Leave a Legacy

While my children were growing up, I would mentally mark the milestone when they reached an age when they would remember me if I died.  That may seem ridiculously grim, but I have friends who have few memories of parents … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Asian American Teenage Girls and Depression

Working closely with youth, I encounter all kinds of issues connected to identity and relationships, and the various ways that they navigate many confusing experiences – everything from eating disorders to cutting to binge drinking. Hearing a ton of stories … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles | 2 Comments

Fatting In: Asian Immigrants Gaining Weight To Fit In

A new study is showing that immigrants are choosing American foods and American portion sizes, part of something they call “fatting in,” where immigrant groups eat high-calorie American meals to fit in with American culture. From the press release: Immigrants … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Family, Food & Drink, Health | 8 Comments