Category Archives: Health

Struggles with Asian American Beauty, Monolids and Make-up

It’s pitiful but true: I am 29 years old and I still don’t know how to properly wear make-up. The upside is that I feel like I don’t necessarily have to: being Asian has somehow translated into aging more slowly … Continue reading

Posted in Fashion, Health | 39 Comments

The New Face of China: The Rise of Plastic Surgery

China is fast becoming a country of great transformation—and that includes its faces. With more than two million operations per year in 2009, China has jumped to take the third spot in the list of countries with the most plastic … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Health, Lifestyles | 12 Comments

College, Stress and Asian American Wellness

As high school students make their final decisions about where they’ll spend the next (usually) four years of their lives, the Daily Beast has decided which of these colleges are the most stressful. Basing their rankings off of a mixture … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Health, Lifestyles | 5 Comments

New Tiger in Town: Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld’s Blog

Move aside, Tiger Mom, because Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld is the new tiger in town and she’s telling the world about it with her new blog. When Amy Chua first exploded into the media with her Wall Street Journal essay “Why Chinese … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Family, Health, Lifestyles | 31 Comments

Finding Science in Acupuncture

My sister is a doctor and like me, she grew up in the United States, speaks primarily English, went to a prominent medical school, and today is part of a private practice. On the other hand my mom was an … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health | 4 Comments

I Love My Mongolian Birthmark

My butt isn’t much to talk about: it’s pitifully flat, pale and even I don’t like looking at it. It kind of depresses me with the flatness, like a long stretch of squishy plains that not even skin tight jeggings … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Observations | 22 Comments

Glaucoma: Asian American Medical Hazard

A recently released study from the American Academy of Ophthalmology reveals that Asian Americans are at an increased risk of developing Glaucoma.  Glaucoma is an eye disease that  damages the optic nerve and can cause blindness if untreated.  By reviewing … Continue reading

Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Health | Tagged | 10 Comments

Finding & Understanding Asian Masculinity

There’s been a number of recent discussions and blog posts on Asian manliness and masculinity in the blogosphere. It’s a topic that’s been covered on 8Asians as well, and one of the main drivers of this discussion topic has been … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, LGBT, Lifestyles, Observations | 25 Comments

Do Asian Women Have the Smallest Breasts?

Since I’ve already written articles about Asian men and penis size and about Asian women and vagina size,  I figured I might as well go for the trifecta and write about Asian woman and breast size. So do Asian women … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Health | 137 Comments

Do Asian Women Have The Smallest Vaginas?

We in America are obsessed with the biggest. The Biggest Loser. The biggest thermometer. The biggest hamburger. Even on 8Asians, things aren’t that different. The most popular article I’ve ever written was about Asian men and penis size. Specifically, I … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Health | 100 Comments

Thick Dumpling Skin: Food & Body Image Website for Asian Americans

In June of 2010, Lynn Chen started a food blog, The Actor’s Diet, after years of battling eating disorders. At the beginning of 2011, she stumbled upon an interview on NPR with Lisa Lee, in which Lisa discussed the story … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles | 3 Comments