Category Archives: Health

More Korean-Americans Showing Up at Free Clinics

More Korean-Americans are showing up local free clinics, reports the Korea Times. Statistics show a dramatic 50 percent rise in Korean patients compared to four years earlier; Koreans are among the most likely to be self employed as well as … Continue reading

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German Man Develops Chinese Accent After Migraine

There have been evidence of people completely changing their accents after migraines and strokes, including a German-born Briton speaking like a Chinese man. I’m trying to imagine my dad sound like Foghorn Leghorn after a stroke, and it’s pretty much … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Health | 4 Comments

Are More Asian Americans Abusing Adderall?

A blog from CNN announced that a study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found that drug abuse differed ethnic groups, with Asian-American drug use seen to be the lowest.  The study looked at drugs such … Continue reading

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Buy A Murder House During Ghost Month

August 10 marked the start of Ghost Month, a Chinese and Taiwanese celebration based in superstition around wandering souls. There’s a belief that for one month out of the year, deceased souls can come out and visit the living. Because … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Real Estate, San Francisco Bay Area | 2 Comments

Indonesian Smoking Baby Calls It Quits

Remember that hardcore two year old baby from Indonesia who shocked the world with his two-packs-a-day smoking habit? You can lay off on those phone calls to Child Welfare Services because National Commission for Child Protection Secretary-General Arist Merdeka Sirait … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Health, Lifestyles | 7 Comments

3 Hilariously Contradictory Pieces of Advice Given to Pregnant Asian Women

By Anonymous Having now entered the second trimester of my pregnancy, there really is no denying that I’m knocked up — the belly seems to swell another inch every day and I think I’ve already started waddling. And as any woman who … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Observations | 2 Comments

Oregon Health Supervisor Shuts Down Lemonade Stand

Sometimes, you just have to wonder what the heck is wrong with the world. Jon Kawaguchi, an environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department in Oregon, shut a seven year old down for a lemonade stand. You heard … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Observations, WTF | 3 Comments

Takeru Kobayashi Released from Jail

On July 4th, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut defended his title (and winning  for the 4th time in a row) in Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest by eating 54 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Due to a contracts dispute with Major League Eating & … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Entertainment, Health, Lifestyles, Local, New York, Observations, Sports, TV | 3 Comments

The Model Minority Myth applied to Asian-American Health

When I was 34, my doctor refused to biopsy a lump I found in my right breast.  He told me I was too young to get breast cancer and had no family history. Besides, he said, “Asian women don’t get … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Health | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Chinese More Likely to Be Nearsighted

Embedded in this week’s news on a new study on Chinese children who need glasses (it’s estimated as much as 60% of rural Chinese children need glasses, but many don’t get them), was this quote from an Oxford researcher: “People … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Family, Health | 5 Comments

Smell of Chinese Herbs Mistaken for “Toxic Chemicals,” Stops SFO Flight

Anyone who grew up a child of Chinese immigrants can probably relate to the embarrassment of having to use medicines that aren’t commonplace in American society, especially those that leave an unmistakable odor. Just this week, the smell from Chinese … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Family, Health | 11 Comments

Students Eating Instant Ramen Increase Risk of Chronic Disease

I love food; no, no, I really LOVE food. It’s a relationship that has been sacred and intimate and enjoyable. I scoff at canned soups and instant anything. But, somewhere in my genetic makeup is a deep love for instant … Continue reading

Posted in Food & Drink, Health | 6 Comments