Category Archives: Health

Am I Anorexic? Asian Girl Body Issues

A few months ago, a student from Yale University, Frances Chan, blogged in the Huffington Post about her horrific experience with Yale–she was 5’ 2” and about 90 lbs, and they designated her an “eating disorder” case and began to … Continue reading

Posted in Beauty, Food & Drink, Health, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles, Sports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

CDC Seeks Former Smokers for Ad Campaign, Deadline Extended to 6/5

The CDC is conducting a national search for their Tips from Former Smokers Ad Campaign. This is a paid position. The campaign pays $2,500 + Travel for those who are selected. They’re looking for ex-smokers of all ethnicities, particularly Asians, … Continue reading

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Baylor Frederickson and how some Asian Ethnic Groups have Extra Difficulty Finding Bone Marrow Matches

7 year old Baylor Frederickson needs a bone marrow transplant.   If he was purely from one Asian group, it would be hard enough, but since one of his parents is not Asian, it’s even more difficult to find a match.  … Continue reading

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Screening for Colon Cancer, “The Silent Killer” of Asian Americans

As an Asian American, there’s one killer out there that affects more Asian Americans than any other. The leading cause of death for Asian Americans since 1980 is cancer (unlike for the general population of the U.S. which has heart … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health | Leave a comment

Made In the USA: American Surrogates for Chinese

When I was in college, I stumbled across the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, by Bill Watterson. In particular I was quite taken with the strip where Calvin and his toy tiger Hobbes discuss where babies come from. By the … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Family, Health, Health and Beauty, LGBT, Technology | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Karate Hottie and The Submissive Asian Girl I hate to share videos that objectify women mainly because it makes me want to throw up. Just watching that video I found above has left me with no appetite for the rest of my breakfast. Nevertheless, I thought … Continue reading

Posted in Beauty, Discrimination, Health, Health and Beauty | Leave a comment

Health, Appearances, and Asian Americans

   The incident where Maria Kang was briefly kicked off of Facebook,  recent news about the “lower” rate of obesity among Asian Americans, and the debate on CNN above combine to bring up a subject that isn’t often discussed: … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Health, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles, Local, San Francisco Bay Area | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

8$: Jazz, Cancer, and Life: Fred Ho’s Last Year

8$ is a series which occasionally highlights interesting crowdfunding projects. Every day, the 8Asians team is inundated by many worthy pitches. We are unable to highlight every one that comes our way, or even the ones we might individually support. … Continue reading

Posted in 8$, Health, Movies, Music | Leave a comment

Tea Lover’s Guide to Los Angeles: Chado Tea Room (Part 6 of 6)

One of the favorite stops for pretty affordable afternoon tea in LA is the Chado Tea room. They have multiple tea rooms, but I personally enjoy the one downtown in the Japanese American National Museum the best because it has … Continue reading

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Tea Lover’s Guide to Los Angeles: The Huntington Library (Part 5 of 6)

The Huntington Library is known for its iconic Japanese tea room, but there’s actually no tea served in that tea room–it’s really just for show. However, there are two other ways in which you can enjoy tea at this lovely … Continue reading

Posted in Food & Drink, Health, Lifestyles | Leave a comment

Tea Lover’s Guide to Los Angeles: 85C (Part 4 of 6)

The two guys in the video are coffee drinkers and tried the coffees, but since I’m the tea drinker, I was SERIOUSLY addicted at one point to their ice sea salt jasmine green tea and the ice sea salt mountain … Continue reading

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