Category Archives: Health

National Minority Donor Awareness Week (August 1-7)

I had no idea that August 1 through August 7 is National Minority Donor Awareness Week until a friend of mine posted the above video which featured a friend of hers.  We have done many stories at 8asians on the … Continue reading

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Healthy Engaged Youth (HEY!) Kickoff Webinar

The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education, the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for Hispanics, the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, … Continue reading

Posted in (simple), Education, Health | Leave a comment

Asian Waistlines and Heart Disease

While waist size is an indicator for potential hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease, the standards for Asians is stricter stricter than for non-Asians.    This is similar to the situation with Asians and Body Mass Index (BMI), where standards … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Lifestyles | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Asian American Medical Hazard: Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis)

When I read this article about how California was moving prisoners from Central Valley prisons because of “valley fever” problems, one line in particular got my attention: U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson last week ordered the transfer of most black, … Continue reading

Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Environment, Health | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

In Language Health Care Webinars Now Available

Back in May, 2013 I wrote about the availability of information on the New Healthcare Law that was available in 10 different Asian languages The presentation titled “The Health Care Law and You” was translated into 10 different Asian languages … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Health, Health and Beauty | Leave a comment

12 Year old New York Filipina Cites Cyberbulling in her Suicide Note

12 Year old Filipina American Gabrielle Molina committed suicide last month,  citing cyberbullying in her suicide note.  She joins Audrie Potts and other teens and adolescents around the world for whom cyberbullying was a factor in their deaths.    One doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles, Local, New York, Technology | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Save Nina

Ever since I had a baby, I’m way more emotional than I have ever been. Put it this way, it’s not uncommon to find me tearing up during television sitcoms and romantic comedies. That’s why the first time I heard … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health | 1 Comment

Chef Ming Tsai & White House Executive Chef Cook Healthy for American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

As you know, the month of May is American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and thus it’s no surprise that the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the First Lady’s Let’s Move! Initiative and the U.S. Department … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Food & Drink, Health, Politics, TV | Tagged | 2 Comments

The “it’s ok” Campaign Counters Stigma of Mental Illness

The it’s ok Campaign is an effort to battle the stigma of depression and mental illness in Asian American communities.  This project run by the Corporate Asian American Employee Network (CAAEN) will center its efforts around their Facebook page, where … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

New Health Care Law Information Translated Into 10 Asian Languages

While most of us are aware there’s a new healthcare law coming, there’s probably few among the non-native speakers of English that really understand how it affects them. That’s why it’s so important the presentation titled “The Health Care Law … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Health and Beauty | 1 Comment

Do Asians Sweat More?

We do. And according to this New York Times article, “East Asian Physical Traits Linked to 35,000-Year-Old Mutation” by Nicholas Wade, East Asians also have: thicker hair shafts more sweat glands characteristically identified teeth smaller breasts The article references a … Continue reading

Posted in Health | 5 Comments

Asian American Medical Hazard: Toxic Subsistence Fishing

When I saw this sign at the start of a run at Coyote Point, a park on San Francisco Bay, I thought to myself, “do people really eat a lot of fish from the Bay?”  Apparently many do, as a … Continue reading

Posted in Asian American Medical Hazard, Environment, Health, Lifestyles, Local, San Francisco Bay Area | Tagged , , | 2 Comments