Category Archives: Health

Respondents Needed for Informal Survey about AAPIs with Mental Illness

Asians and Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California (APIDC) is taking an informal survey to gather anecdotes about the experiences of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders with the mental health system. APIDC has been accepted to present on this subject … Continue reading

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Knowledge Gap Contributing to Rise in Korean American Cancer Rate

Lack of knowledge about cancer screening is contributing to a rising rate of cancer in Korean Americans, their leading cause of death.  Kyeung Mi Oh, a professor at George Mason University School of Nursing, conducted a study that finds that this … Continue reading

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Fireflies: an Advocacy Short by the Jubilee Project

When a short film says that it is partially inspired by Taylor Swift’s “You Belong to Me” music video, it may not seem like a good sign, but that should not stop you from watching Fireflies.  This is another advocacy … Continue reading

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San Francisco: Asian Americans Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade A few weekends ago was the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that decided on the issue of abortion, allowing a woman the right to choose to have an abortion or not. To be … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Health, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area | 3 Comments

Asian Americans Have the Highest Suicide Rate for American Women Over 65

Asian American women above the age of 65 have the highest suicide rate of any American ethnic group of women, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  Their suicide rate of 6.5 per 100,000 was followed by white … Continue reading

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Study Concludes that Bilinguals Have Faster Brains

This study conducted by neuroscientist Brian Gold finds that people who have been bilingual since childhood have faster brains and suggests that this kind of bilingualism can slow the mental decline in aging.  Both seniors and younger people’s bilingual brains … Continue reading

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On the Chinese Traditional Practice of Postpartum Care, “Zuo yuezi”

I am surprised that the Chinese traditional practice “Zuo yuezi” (坐月子), sitting the month, referring to a specific diet and lifestyle of women after childbirth for one month, is considered a news story by a mainstream media. The Los Angeles … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Health, Lifestyles, Observations | 5 Comments

An Asian American Journalist Talks about Overcoming Depression

In this piece from The Fil Am magazine, Asian American journalist Ryan Macasero opens up about his struggle with depression.  He talks about how depression first set in during childhood and how free mental health services in college helped him … Continue reading

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Jeremy Kong gets a Bone Marrow Transplant

After Janet Liang died, one of the people mentioned who also needed a bone marrow transplant was 2 year old Jeremy Kong.  Jeremy, whose situation is explained in the video above, suffered from Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  The Kong Family blog reports … Continue reading

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Childhood Obesity Among Asian American Subgroups

Asian American children are commonly thought to have a lower risk of childhood obesity, but a study published in the journal Childhood Obesity reveals that once data is disaggregated, there are wide variations between Asian subgroups.  Using data from the … Continue reading

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Asian American Medical Hazard: Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate

Asian Americans have a higher probability of being born with Cleft Lip and/or Cleft Palate than other ethnic groups.  According to this article from the Department of Health and Human Services, Asians American have an occurrence of Cleft Lip or … Continue reading

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Stanford University Seeking Survey Respondents On Patients’ Trust In Primary Care Doctors

Researchers at Stanford University’s School of Medicine are conducting a study on patients’ trust in their primary care doctors. By partaking in this study, you have the opportunity to add to the knowledge about doctor-patient relationships. Your participation and answers … Continue reading

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