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Category Archives: History
150th Anniversary of 1871 Los Angeles Chinese Massacre
Bodies of 17 dead Chinese men and boys lie in the Los Angeles jail yard on October 24, 1871 (photo credit: Security Pacific Bank) This past Sunday, October 24th, marked the 150th anniversary of one of the worst hate crimes … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, History, Local, Southern California
Tagged hate crimes, los angeles
Celebrating the Contributions of Filipino American Sailors
Before the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, a major path to the US for Filipino Immigrants was through the US Navy. My father came to the US that way, as well as tens of thousands of other Filipinos. As … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, History
Tagged Filipino American History Month, U.S. Navy, USS Hornet
San Jose Approves Resolution & Apologizes for 1887 Chinatown Destruction and Decades of Discrimination
Although I’ve lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1999, I did not know much about the history of Chinese Americans in the area beyond the Chinese Exclusion Act. I was surprised to hear that back in May, that … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, History, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Chinatown, San Jose
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Last Week Tonight host John Oliver talks about Asian Americans
This Last Week Tonight segment on Asian Americans hosted by John Olliver gives an overview of Asian American history and the current issues facing Asian Americans, done in his usually satirical style. I was pleasantly surprised by how thorough it … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, History, TV
Tagged asian american history, John Oliver, Larry Itliong, Last Week Tonight
Lola’s Work: An Animated StoryCorps Feature
I was moved by this story about a devoted grandmother, which was featured on NPR and StoryCorps, and now StoryCorps has turned it into a featured animated story! It also features some pictures painted by her and her grandson of … Continue reading
San Jose to Add Delano Manongs Park, named for Filipino American Farm Workers
The City of San Jose is adding a new park called Delano Manongs Park, honoring the Delano Manong farm workers, key players in the founding of the United Farm workers and the Delano Grape strike. According to this City of … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, History, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Farm Workers, Manongs, San Jose, The Delano Manongs
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The Stories of our Elders: Lola’s Sacrifices and Life Lessons
With our Asian American elders under attack, we should remember that one way to honor them is to preserve their stories. One really convenient and great way to do that is through StoryCorps, which provides apps to record their stories … Continue reading
In Praise of Spam: Prose, a Play, and a Poem
Spam, Eggs, and Rice. That was a familiar and comforting meal when I was a kid, and I still feel that way today. While Spam has been condemned as the epitomy of unhealthy processed food, I recently learned about an … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Food & Drink, History, Lifestyles
Tagged Eric Kim, Jaime Sunwoo, Roberto Ascalon, spam
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The First US Television series featuring an Asian American Actor is Lost and Probably Gone Forever
The blog title above might make you wonder if something happened to Fresh off the Boat. Perhaps if you were older or well versed in pop culture, you might wonder if something happened to copies of All American Girl (1994), … Continue reading
Posted in History, TV
Tagged Anna May Wong, The DuMont Television Network, The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong
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Asian American Cultural Landmarks: The San Gabriel Valley and Beyond
While conflicts have increased about American historical monuments and landmarks, especially regarding statues of slave owners or institutions named after racists, this article from Hyperallergic asks, what kind of cultural landmarks do Asian Americans establish? In “In American’s “First Suburban … Continue reading
Why there are so Many Filipino Nurses in the US: A Video Explanation
We talked about how Filipino American nurses have been hard hit by the Coronavirus, which makes sense since they are a significant proportion of the US nursing workforce compared to their proportion of the general US population. How did that … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Current Events, History, Labor
Tagged Catherine Ceniza Choy, coronavirus, COVID-19, Filipino nurses
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A Remarkable Search: “A Vanished Dream: Wartime Story of My Japanese Grandfather”
Long hidden family secrets, an African American journalist’s deathbed request, and the Japanese American internment – all these seemingly unconnected elements connect to create a moving and timely documentary about a man taken away by the authorities and never again … Continue reading