Category Archives: Dating

Asian American Commercial Watch: “Twins” for Taco Bell’s Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco An Asian guy rarely gets the girl in a TV commercial, but two of them each getting a girl?  And in the same commercial?  And the girls are white too?  Not your typical TV commercial, but although I should … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, TV | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Asian American Commercial Watch: Asian Family – BMW 3 Series Diesel TV Commercial A friend of mine posted this on my Facebook Timeline the other day, as he knows I blog for 8Asians. I haven’t seen this BMW commercial air on television, but my friend says he’s seen it locally in the … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Entertainment, Lifestyles, Local, Southern California, TV | 5 Comments

Asian American Commercial Watch: AT&T’s Network Guys I noticed this commercial because it has many of my favorite (or perhaps least favorite) Asian American stereotypes: Nerdy Asian technical guy White guy in charge Asian guy awkward with white women The Asian guy is surprised when his … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Dating, TV | Leave a comment

On Chocolate Roses or Why Asian Dramas Are The Worst

By Sean Miura In high school I had a crush on this girl. She was funny and bubbly and outgoing. I was serious and self deprecating and reclusive. Perfect match. 15 year old Sean had no idea how the whole … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Observations | 3 Comments

Learning to Love Asian Men by Leaving the US

“So, before moving to Korea, why did I not realize the potential in Asian men?  Because for the first 21 years of my life, the United States had deceived me.” With so much focus on how men fetishize Asian women, … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Discrimination, Lifestyles | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Rent-A-Boyfriend: China Edition

Just in time for the holiday season, when kind-meaning aunties and uncles sometimes ask why you’re single, why you don’t have a date, and why you’re not giving your parents grandchildren yet, you might remember that renting a boyfriend is … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Dating | 1 Comment

Kristina Wong on “Alicia Menendez Tonight:” Why Everyone Wants to Date Asian Women

Just in time for the holidays, the return of a favorite 8Asians topic: dating Asian women. Are You Interested, one of the largest Facebook-based dating apps, “analyzed over 2.4 million interactions among its current user base in the United States … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Observations | 10 Comments

Quin Woodward Pu gets Dumped by Text and How She Gets Back at Him

UPDATE: Apparently, Quin Woodward Pu lied in her blog post about forwarding the sexts to the guy’s boss. “Pu tells HuffPost she did not, as initially claimed, actually forward the texts. ‘He is safely and soundly still employed,’ she says. … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, WTF | 11 Comments

Dating in Taiwan: An ABC’s Perspective

By Lianne Lin So by now it has been two and a half months since I came back to California after living in Taiwan for three years.  People ask me how my love life was during that time, and I … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Lifestyles, Observations | 83 Comments

An Asian Girl’s Definition of Herself

By “Cleanchino” Cho Although I am not a proud lurker on Facebook, I still continue to browse the ever-so revealing News Feed on a regular basis. It’s part of my ritual during my daily commute home from work. Facebook is … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Discrimination, Entertainment, Lifestyles, Observations | 11 Comments

Bay Area Giveaway: Pair of Tickets to Asian Art Museum – Terracotta Warriors Private Tour + Dinner

UPDATE 5/22/2013: Congrats! Richard Man has been selected as the winner! It’s the last week that the Asian Art Museum is exhibiting its Terracotta Warrior exhibit. Be part of a special group event organized by Datepress, which includes a private … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Entertainment, History, San Francisco Bay Area | Leave a comment

“Xinghun”, the Cooperative Marriage in China

Being gay and Asian means hiding a part of yourself from many in your life, and this is especially true in Asian countries compared with those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the United States or Canada. … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Family, LGBT, Lifestyles | 3 Comments