Search Results for: Linsanity

The Daily Show: Lindecision 2012: Time Warner Cable vs. MSG Network

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Lindecision 2012 Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook The Daily Show does another bit on LINSANITY, this time about … Continue reading

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You’re My Jeremy Lin: Why He Fascinates The Chinese American Community

By Gregory My Dad sent me this email a few days ago: You must have heard of this kid, Jeremy Lin, a Knick basketball player. His rise to stardom just a week ago really drives all my friends here crazy. I’m excited … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Lifestyles, Sports | 30 Comments

ESPN Calls Jeremy Lin a “Chink” in Article Headline, Quickly Retracted

Around two years ago, 8Asians had a TalkAbout post where we discussed whether the phrase “chink in the armor” was offensive to say or not. While it was decided that it depended on the context, it’s safe to say this … Continue reading

Posted in Discrimination, Sports | 16 Comments

How To Overcome Jeremy Lin Fatigue

We know how you feel and frankly, we agree with you. We’re sick of all the conversations, Facebook posts, Tweets, emails and articles about Jeremy Lin. The blogosphere, at least for Asian Americans, has been oversaturated with the latest observations … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Sports | 12 Comments

Jeremy Lin, Star Trek, Top Chef, and The Walking Dead: Reflections On Asian Americans In The Media Today

By Elliott Wang My buddy Terry burst into Pho So 1 (best pho in Van Nuys!), iPhone in hand, exclaiming incredulously, “Thirty eight points!” I looked at him blankly. He blurted, “JLIN! Versus the Lakers! Knicks won!” The idea of … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Entertainment, Sports, TV | 29 Comments

What if Jeremy Lin Weren’t Asian?

As with most people, I don’t remember much of my early childhood;  I emigrated to the State from Taiwan when I was 5 years old and the only relevant and vivid memories I have from my time on the Formosan … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 35 Comments