8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Who Is The Asian Woman Sitting Courtside At Lakers Home Games?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Internet Page Reveals How to Talk Dirty in Tagalog
Tag Archives: advertising
Asian American Commercial Watch: Nature’s Bounty – Better off Healthy – “Treadmill”
https://youtu.be/GvRBJetBXes I caught this Nature’s Bounty television commercial for fish oil while watching I think CNN on a Saturday morning. I like how this 0:15 second commercial shows the woman’s future self accelerated over time an rewinds back. My mother … Continue reading
Is that Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong?
Is that really Bruce Lee playing ping pong? There had been enough questions about this ad, which came out in 2008, that an entry in Snopes was created. Turns out it is an ad created by Nokia for a phone, … Continue reading
Nielsen Reports On The State Of The Asian American Consumer
Nielsen recently released a report on Asian American consumers, called State of the Asian American Consumer Report: Growing Market, Growing Impact. It focuses on Asian American buying habits (e.g. Asian American make more shopping trips and are less likely to … Continue reading
Asian Americans Targeted by Advertisers
With a half a trillion in income and high median household income, Asian Americans are now being targeted by advertisers. This made me wonder. Is this a good thing for Asian Americans? Can it be bad? How can you target … Continue reading
Controversial Groupon Super Bowl Commercial Exploits Tibet for Laughs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOwJOcp-Mxk I was only half-watching Super Bowl XLV today, but my attention was piqued when an ad featuring Asians (Tibetans) appeared on my TV. It turns out, it was an ad by Groupon, featuring Timothy Hutton which opened with what … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Sports, TV, WTF
Tagged ad, ads, advertisement, advertising, advertisments, commercial, commercials, Groupon, Super Bowl, Tibet
SuperBowl Ad features Doritos Samurai Throwing “Ninja Stars” and Swinging “Nunchucks”
Here’s a SuperBowl commercial that annoyed me, courtesy of Doritos. In this ad, some guys in a gym take Doritos from samurai– and suffer the consequences!!!111!!1 OMGLOLWTFBBQ! This ad was popular enough that it ranked in the Top 20 of … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink, Observations, TV, WTF
Tagged ads, advertising, commercials, Doritos, karate, Karate Kid, kung fu, martial arts, Super Bowl, tae kwon do, television, trailer, user-generated
Watching TV on a Sony Bravia HDTV can improve my Chinese?
A loyal reader pointed us to this latest Sony commercial. In an ever-increasing field of HDTV manufacturers, Sony has been making the case that it’s worth buying their brand and claims, “You can’t fake Sony quality. It makes watching sports … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Technology, TV
Tagged advertising, chinese, commercial, consumer marketing, electronics, golf, HD, JT, Justin Timberlake, language, Ni Hao Kai Lan, Payton Manning, ping pong, Sony, tv
KFC vs. KGC: WTF???
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) has been promoting their new offering, Kentucky Grilled Chicken, with the tagline, UNTHINK what you thought about KFC – Taste the unfried side of KFC. Joz and I both noticed that KFC is running a new, … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Current Events, Discrimination, Food & Drink
Tagged advertising, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kentucky Grilled Chicken, KFC, KGC, Oprah, promotion, television
McDonald’s “Asian Weeks” Ad Baffles 8Asians
… at least two of them anyway. Moye shared this with me and neither of us can figure this out. Does the ad fold down? Huh? What?! You can count ME confused but somehow, oddly, I am craving a fried … Continue reading