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Tag Archives: Alaska
Miss America Makes History, as First Korean American from Alaska Wins the Title
Last week, the Miss America Organization made history in its 100th anniversary by crowning the first ever Korean American, Miss Alaska Emma Broyles, as Miss America: “The newly crowned Miss America has made history, becoming both the first Korean American … Continue reading
Posted in Beauty, Current Events, Health and Beauty, Lifestyles, Nonprofit
Tagged Alaska, Emma Broyles, Miss America
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Did “Asians Scare Sarah Palin Away” from Hawaii?
I never thought that we’d ever have a reason to write about Sarah Palin on this blog, but here it is. With the release of her book “Going Rogue,” come opportunities for her to put a few things out for … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Current Events, Discrimination, Politics
Tagged Alaska, hawaii, racist, Sarah Palin