8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Internet Page Reveals How to Talk Dirty in Tagalog
Asian American Frozen Foods: Trader Joe’s Korean Style Beef Short Ribs
Tag Archives: AMWF
Opinions on Asian and Asian Men Representation in American Movies and TV
When Crazy Rich Asians came out, some people declared that there was a new narrative on the attractiveness of Asian and Asian American men. But did Henry Golding and this movie make make a difference? Has it affected your life … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Movies, TV
Tagged AMWF, Crazy Rich Asians, henry golding, New York Times
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Asian American Commercial Watch: Old Spice’s Bowl
http://youtu.be/FW7Fmi8_kfU I saw this commercial post by a friend on Facebook, who had noticed that the Asian American man starring in this commercial had a cute, white, female girlfriend. The only other commercial I recall that has such an Asian … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: McDonald’s – Egg McMuffin of Boyfriends
I was watching one of my favorite shows last week, Modern Family, and came across this McDonald’s commercial for the egg McMuffin. To my absolute surprise, I see a young couple with an attractive Asian American young adult professing his … Continue reading
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
In television, the movies, or maybe even in real life, I’m sure we’ve heard the words, “Even if you were the last man on earth, I would never have sex with you.” Well, how about in a post-apocalyptic world full … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, Discrimination, Entertainment, Lifestyles, Observations, TV
Tagged AMWF
Breaking News: Bruce Lee Had a Thing for White Girls!
It never ceases to amaze me when there are 8Asians commenters that continue to use Bruce Lee as a figure for dating exclusively Asian. While Mr. Lee was very proud of his Asian heritage, he himself was a quarter Caucasian … Continue reading
Why Do People Hate Asian Male/White Female Relationships?
So I was actually looking up to see whether or not Match.com or eHarmony had done any commercials with AMWF since it seemed like it’s the new thang to do as far as couples on television. I thought I saw … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, Observations
Tagged AMWF, Emily72912, haters, interracial relationships, Korean boyfriend, youtube
“Asian Men Are Short: That’s Why White Woman Don’t Marry Them”
A recent tweet by a New York Times reporter posted a link to Modeling Interracial Love, a report about a recent Center for Economic and Policy Research discussion paper excitingly titled Anthropometry of Love: Height and Gender Asymmetries in Interethnic … Continue reading
On Matchmaking and Asian Male/White Female Interracial Relationships
I was reading this MercuryNews.com article about how online dating working for some Asian Californians and that they had to start their own matchmaking service to get things going, my first thought was to say, Hey, whatever works for you. … Continue reading
Asian guys with white girls: Redux
Funny thing happened this last weekend. See, the whole Asian guy, white girl thing? It’s even more uncommon in the South. But yet, in the last couple of years, gradually the number of couples where the male is Asian, and … Continue reading
Why Asian Guys Can’t Get White Girls
I couldn’t resist not posting this. First, there was Why Asian Girls Go For White Guys, then there was a response. Now, here’s the flip side: Why can’t Asian guys get white girls? This totally awesome and totally hilarious response … Continue reading
Why Asian Girls Go For White Guys: A Response
Last week, Mike posted an entry titled “Why Asian Girls Go For White Guys,” which is one of those topics that, no matter how many times it is addressed, is never resolved. I’m a rather typical Asian girl, so this … Continue reading