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Tag Archives: barack obama
Amanda Nguyen and the Federal Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights
Given the fact that 62,759,366 Americans just voted for a misogynist to take the highest office in our land, the work of courageous individuals such as Amanda Nguyen are more important today than ever before. Nguyen was assaulted in college … Continue reading →
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Legal, Politics
Tagged amanda nguyen, assault, barack obama, federal law, Obama, sexual assault, sexual assault survivor, survivor, united states of america
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President Obama’s 2015 Lunar New Year Message: Year of the Sheep
The White House released a video message from President Obama welcoming in the Lunar New Year. Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year here in America and all around the world. I’ll always … Continue reading →
Posted in Lifestyles, Politics
Tagged barack obama, holidays, Lunar Calendar, michelle obama, Obama
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Asian Americans in the First Lady’s Box at the 2015 State of the Union Address
According to the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI), President Obama’s guest list for this week’s State of the Union address included 23 people, who had the privilege of sitting alongside First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. … Continue reading →
Asian Americans Advocate For Obama And Romney
While large numbers of Asian American voters are nonpartisan, many are definitely not! In case you have yet decided who you will vote for president, here are some links where Asian Americans advocate for Obama and Romney.
I want my Barack Obama (Aobama?) Coffee & Instant Noodles!
The Telegraph reports that Chinese businesses have gone nuts over President-Elect Barack Obama and that businesses are registering to use his name as a trademark on everything from instant noodles to children’s clothes, to coffee and even wooden logs. None … Continue reading →
Where’s my Furniture? Adventures with Extended Family
When Barack Obama took time off from his campaign to visit his ailing grandmother, it made me think of the time when I woke up one morning, got out of my room, looked around the house, and wondered, “where’s my … Continue reading →
Posted in Family, Lifestyles
Tagged barack obama, extended family, grandmother, silicon valley housing