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Tag Archives: Beau Sia
Reflections on the Virginia Tech Shooting 5 Years Later
April 16th, 2007 engraved a bloody mark as the worst school shooting in American history and gave a shocking jolt to the Korean American community, something that hasn’t been felt since the LA riots, which coincidentally marks the 20th anniversary this month. … Continue reading
“MEMORY SUCKS,” a New Poem by Beau Sia
Memories of past relationships are bittersweet objects that we’re not quite sure what to do with. If we could, we would erase these memories from ourselves because they are too painful to remember a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Music
Tagged Beau Sia, Dawen, eyad zahra, memories suck, poem, spoken poetry
One on One with Beau Sia
Every now and then, we often come across certain events in our lives that define who we are now. These moments appear to be simple on the surface, but for individuals like Beau Sia, he can recall every vivid detail … Continue reading
Happy Birthday to Spoken Poet Beau Sia!
Today, June 2nd, marks the birthday of Beau Sia, one of the biggest role models in my life. To me, this particular individual is bigger than any celebrity in terms of hi’s importance in shaping who I am today. While … Continue reading