8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
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Tag Archives: capitalism
An Asian American’s Thoughts On Occupy Wall Street
If you haven’t been living under a rock, you may have heard about the tremendous buzz that is surrounding Occupy Wall Street and other cities across the United States that are taking part in the Occupation protest. There are those … Continue reading
ChinaExpat: China as the next Japan?
China Expat makes some interesting observations in comparing the latest Chinese growth to current day Japan. It’s interesting the perspectives taken are a very westernized look at how China compares up with the rest of the world. Westerners seem to … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations
Tagged American, capitalism, China, chinese, communism, government, Japan, West
Everything under the sun is “Made in China”
It’s interesting when you read about things that are made in China. I mean, who really doesn’t know that things are manufactured there anyways? Anything you pick up practically has the little sticker on it. But something that I didn’t … Continue reading
Posted in Lifestyles, Observations
Tagged , America, American, bags, capitalism, China, designer bags, greed, manufacturing