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Tag Archives: citizenship
What It Means To Be a U.S. Citizen
“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign . . . state or sovereignty . . . ; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Lifestyles, Observations, Politics
Tagged China, Chinese immigrants, citizenship, immigration
Rene Astudillo: My 22-Year Path to U.S. Citizenship
Rene Astudillo delivered this as an Opening Statement at a panel on Immigration held August 11, 2011 at the Annual National Convention of the Asian American Journalists Association, Detroit, MI. It is published on 8Asians with permission. On January 27 … Continue reading
The Long Path to Citizenship for Asian Americans
In my small sampling of friends and relatives, which includes my parents and a close friend who is South Asian American, all of whom were immigrants to the United States, it seems obtaining U.S. citizenship hasn’t been a top priority … Continue reading