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Tag Archives: college admissions
Is Foreign Tuition Money Squeezing Out Asian American College Students?
One of the predictions from the admissions officer who spoke at The Daughter’s High School was that as public universities get their funding cut, they will seek to increase revenue by recruiting more out of state students who can pay … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Education
Tagged chinese students, college admissions, public universities
The College Admissions Game, Part 4: The School Visit
I selected colleges to apply to without ever visiting most of them. I even decided which one to attend without visiting the ones that accepted me. Looking back, I was pretty lucky that I ended up with a good experience. … Continue reading
The College Admissions Game, Part 3: An Admissions Officer Speaks
College admissions officers have been criticized about things like caps on Asians Americans and decisions about who gets in and who does not. But what do they really think? The Daughter’s high school held a session where a college admissions … Continue reading
The College Admissions Game, Part 2: Race and School Selection
“I don’t want to go there – it’s too Asian!” That is the last thing I wanted to hear from the Daughter. Doesn’t she know I write for a blog on Asian American issues, and now she is going all … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Family, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged college admissions, Silicon Valley
The College Admissions Game, Part 1: Picking Schools
As we prepared to leave The Daughter to start her freshman year of college, she started crying. The Wife started crying also. I was mostly numb as I wondered, how did we get to this point? Is this the culmination … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Family, Lifestyles
Tagged college admissions, High School Admissions, Naviance, Silicon Valley
When Strict Parenting Becomes An Educational Hindrance
Every summer, I coach volleyball at a sports clinic at my children’s school. Over the years, I noticed a Vietnamese boy in Number One Son’s class who would attend the sports clinic but never played on any of the school … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Family, Lifestyles
Tagged college admissions, Vietnamese, volleyball
UC Admissions Policy Change and Asian-Americans: Controversy over Simulations
“Dad, I have to sign up for the SAT II tests!” The Daughter was annoyed that she still had to take the SAT subjects tests (formerly known as the SAT II tests), as the University of California’s elimination of the … Continue reading
KQED Radio Forum: Do Universities Discriminate Against Asian-Americans?
KQED Radio recently had a forum on whether Universities discriminate against Asian-Americans. The forum had people on different sides of the debate, including: Angela Suh Um, founder and chief consultant with the Boston Academic Consulting Group and former employee in … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Education
Tagged college admissions, diversity, University of California
University Admissions: How many Asian-Americans are too many?
How many Asian-Americans are too many? That’s one of the key questions that I see coming out of the Boston Globe‘s op-ed piece “Do Colleges Redline Asian-Americans?” I’ve talked before about the Princeton study cited in the article, which says … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Education, Observations
Tagged college admissions, diversity, intercultural skills, ucla