8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Filipino Kinship Terms and their Confusing Translation into English
Why Are Asians Yellow?
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
The Difference Between Internment Camps and Concentration Camps
Tag Archives: commercial
Asian American Commercial Watch: Bounce’s “Don’t Let Wrinkles Ruin Your Meeting”
https://youtu.be/nTeDJNPDEwU I caught this recent Bounce commercial: “If only Harry used some Bounce to dry, he would be less wrinkly and winning at life. Toss wrinkles, static, lint, and pet hair goodbye.” This businessman is pitching something to a group … Continue reading
Touring Iceland with Photographer Pei Ketron | American Express
https://youtu.be/wD7r9MDFffM I caught this American Express commercial featuring San Francisco-based photographer Pei Ketron: “From epic waterfalls to the local eats of Reykjavik, photographer Pei Ketron (@PKetron) needed the right gear to make sure she could get every shot. See how … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Commercial Watch
Tagged actor, american express, Asian-American, commercial, iceland, pei ketron
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Asian American Commercial Watch: Michelle Waterson for Samsung in “Into the Galaxy”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew1kJBw7Fa8 MMA fighter, former Invicta FC Atomweight Champion, and mother Michelle “The Karate Hottie” Waterson is featured in one of these new Samsung “Into the Galaxy” series commercials. The theme of this series appears to be people who are trying … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: Jack Link’s Jerky: ‘HANGRY Moments – Lecture Hall’
http://youtu.be/erCF_vQrCvI I think it is safe to say that we’ve all had moments in our life where we’ve been really hungry and our stomachs have been growling. I think Jack Link, the beef jerky company, creates a unique spin on … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Commercial Watch, Comedy, Entertainment, TV
Tagged asian americans, commercial
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Asian American Commercial Watch: Toyota Time – Spelling Bee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZTS8BFy0nk The theme of “Indian kids as spelling bee champions” seems to have a higher profile lately, especially with the recent movie Bad Words. This Toyota commercial includes an Indian kid showing off his spelling talents. The father is apparently … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: “Twins” for Taco Bell’s Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWRATkGYF-c An Asian guy rarely gets the girl in a TV commercial, but two of them each getting a girl? And in the same commercial? And the girls are white too? Not your typical TV commercial, but although I should … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, TV
Tagged A, commercial, Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco, Taco Bell, twins
Asian American Commercial Watch: The Year of the You – TurboTax
http://youtu.be/veBYze8C6VQ I’m a TurboTax user and fan since using the annual service online since 2000. I’ve already finished my taxes (early this year!), but it’s no susprirse that Intuit is advertising TurboTax given we are at the height of the … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, TV
Tagged Asian-American, commercial, mixed race couple, turbotax
Asian American Commercial Watch: Sprint NBA “Pajamas” Commercial with Kevin Durant
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvypu0AHM8A In this Sprint commercial, an Asian American dad turns into a clone of 6’9” basketball player Kevin Durant. His wife isn’t at all displeased. Watch to the end to see what the mom wants from her huge, newly transformed … Continue reading
VIRAL LIKE SARS: Docomo Touch Wood Commercial
Out of the busy work schedules that everyone has, this Docomo Touch Wood commercial was not only one that was rather long, but is actually very soothing and relaxing…if you like the whole nature sounds type of thing. I do … Continue reading
Asian American Commercial Watch: American Apparel
This beautifully slowed down Asian hipster kids bboying out to Clair de Lune is directed by Tony Kelly. I’m actually in awe that little guy is running that helicopter like crazy. It’s one of those Asian American culture things that … Continue reading
Controversial Groupon Super Bowl Commercial Exploits Tibet for Laughs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOwJOcp-Mxk I was only half-watching Super Bowl XLV today, but my attention was piqued when an ad featuring Asians (Tibetans) appeared on my TV. It turns out, it was an ad by Groupon, featuring Timothy Hutton which opened with what … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Sports, TV, WTF
Tagged ad, ads, advertisement, advertising, advertisments, commercial, commercials, Groupon, Super Bowl, Tibet
Asian American Commercial Watch: Asians Have Sex, Too
UPDATED 2/16/2015: Johnson & Johnson pulled down the previous uploads of the K-Y Intense ads that were embedded in the original post. I’ve included new embeds in the post. Yes, these are the K-Y ads that Randall Park referred to … Continue reading