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Tag Archives: Gambling
Eking out a living riding a bus: Asian American Seniors in New York
In the Asian ethnoburb where I live, one sees three kinds of buses. One kind is the Santa Clara Valley Transit public transportation bus, and another is the kind is the tech bus, as white Google buses pick people up … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Family, Local, New York
Tagged Bethlehem Pennsylvania, bus-kkun, Gambling, Ron Kim, Sands Casino
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Will San Jose Balance its budget on the backs of Asian-American Gamblers?
(Flickr photo credit: tobyleah) One of the ways that San Jose is dealing with an upcoming budget deficit is Proposition K. Proposition K proposes to the voters that the two card clubs in San Jose, Bay 101 (pictured) and Garden … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Current Events, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Bay 101, card rooms, Gambling, Garden City Casino, San Jose Prop K
Luck Runs Out For Gambling Chinese Officials
Gambling is illegal in China, but not in Macao, where apparently many Chinese officials have been taking jaunts to gamble embezzled government money. These gambling trips have apparently cost Chinese officials an average of $2.7 million dollars each in a … Continue reading