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Tag Archives: hate crimes
Pew Research Report: Discrimination Experiences Shape Most Asian Americans’ Lives
By Angelina Chiang In the recent study conducted in 2023 by PEW Research about ongoing racism towards Asians and Asian Americans, there was clear and evident data that show how discriminatory attitudes and behaviors are still ongoing, despite many … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination
Tagged asian americans, asian hate, Discrimination, hate crimes, pew research
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150th Anniversary of 1871 Los Angeles Chinese Massacre
Bodies of 17 dead Chinese men and boys lie in the Los Angeles jail yard on October 24, 1871 (photo credit: Security Pacific Bank) This past Sunday, October 24th, marked the 150th anniversary of one of the worst hate crimes … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, History, Local, Southern California
Tagged hate crimes, los angeles
Senate Passes COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act by 94-1 Margin
The United States Senate passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which would improve data collection of hate crimes associated with COVID-19 and expand public awareness of those crimes, in a rare bipartisan vote of 94-1. The bill was sponsored by … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged coronavirus, COVID-19, hate crimes, Jerry Moran, mazie hirono, Richard Blumenthal, US Senate
Increased Attacks On Mosques After Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting
Whether this is a matter of sheer coincidence or a disturbing trend, there have been reports of increased attacks against mosques in the United States after the shooting at a Wisconsin Sikh temple. It is important to note that mosques are … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged hate crimes, muslim, sikh, sikh temple shooting, stereotypes, wisconsin
Shooting Spree in Milwaukee Sikh Temple Leaves Seven Dead
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece contains viewpoints from the author regarding the alleged gunman and the gunman’s possible intent(s). As the investigation of the Sikh temple is ongoing, the Editors remind all readers that the opinions and assumptions in this piece … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged hate crimes, milwaukee, racism, sikhs, terrorism
An Asian American’s Thoughts On The Killing Of Trayvon Martin
As most of you may have heard by now, the media has been blowing up the past several weeks over the death of Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old African American kid who was shot and killed on February 26th … Continue reading
American Muslims: The Forgotten Victims of 9/11
As most of you may know, this year’s 9/11 marks the 10th anniversary of the tragic attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon that has resulted in the deaths of 2,973 Americans and forever changed the United States … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged 9/11, american muslims, asian american literary review, george w. bush, hate crimes, hatred, Iraq, Iraq war, muslims, world trade center
Hate Crimes in the U.S. Under-reported
I happened to catch “All Things Considered” late last night driving home. The program that was airing was on hate crime statistics and how they are generally under-reported. It was the lead that caught my attention. Lara Pellegrinelli started her … Continue reading