8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
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Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
Tag Archives: Hollywood
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
Quentin Lee’s FilmHustler blog published a great interview with Aly Morita asking her thoughts behind her protest of the new Karate Kid movie that opens this weekend. While Edward criticized Aly for passing judgment on a film she hasn’t seen, … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Movies, Observations
Tagged Aly Morita, Hollywood, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, Movies, Pat Morita, The Karate Kid, Will Smith
My Thoughts On The Karate Kid Remake
So as many of you know, The Karate Kid is opening this weekend. When this remake was first announced, I placed this film in what I call the “Hollywood Movies That Will Possibly Make Asians Look Bad or Not Have … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Movies, Observations
Tagged Hollywood, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, kung fu, Movies, The Karate Kid
Extraordinary Measures: Another Case of Yellowface in Hollywood
When I first saw the movie poster for Extraordinary Measures, starring Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford, I had no idea what it was about. I guessed Harrison Ford played some kind of heroic character, but beyond that, I had no … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Discrimination, Movies
Tagged doctor, Harrison Ford, Hollywood, Movies, Taiwan, yellowface
Trailer for 2010 The Karate Kid Remake with Jackie Chan Released
Which is awesome, how they’re totally doing karate. Oh, wait. –Ernie Oh, where to start with the mockery? Let’s start with the whole karate/kung-fu thing. Simply put: Karate = Japan; Kung-Fu = China. Martial arts nerds can go on about … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Entertainment, Movies
Tagged Asians in Hollywood, Daniel LaRusso, Daniel-san, Hollywood, Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, Karate Kid, Movies, Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio
Rachel Lee: Asian Teens Behaving Badly
We love it when Asians behave badly. It gives us something to gossip about and also, it makes us feel pretty badass. It’s true. It’s like a slap in the face to that annoying stereotype about being submissive model minorities. … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Current Events, Entertainment, Fashion, Southern California
Tagged Bling Ring, Burlgarly, Hollywood, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Rachel Lee, TMZ
Daniel Henney in new CBS Series “Three Rivers”
I’m totally excited about “Three Rivers” coming this fall on CBS because of two reasons: 1) I’m a big supporter of organ donations (DonateLife, people!) and 2) hottie Daniel Henney “Three Rivers” comes out this fall and is about organ … Continue reading
8Asians Interviews Bai Ling on “Crank: High Voltage” (And Some Other Stuff)
I never thought I would be blogging about Bai Ling, since — believe it or not — we have never mentioned her on the site. But in a recent post by another blog, websites like ours were called out for talking … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Movies
Tagged actress, Bai Ling, Crank, Crank2, High Voltage, Hollywood