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Tag Archives: Homefront
Red Dawn Remake Changes Villain to North Korea
The last time I checked the Red Dawn remake, their release date was put on hold indefinitely and that news alone was enough to keep me happy. But yesterday, I stumbled upon this article from Racebending that not only is … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Entertainment, Movies, Observations, Politics
Tagged China, Homefront, john milius, mgm, North Korea, red dawn, stereotypes, yellow peril
Marching as a Homefront North Korean Soldier at E3 2010
There was a rather interesting sight at the 2010 E3 trade show (Electronic Entertainment Expo) last Tuesday where North Korean soldiers were marching around in circles inside the convention center and around the Staples center in Los Angeles. No, it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Observations, Southern California
Tagged E3, Homefront, North Korea, Videogames