8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
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Tag Archives: language
Traveling Japan: Learning Japanese
Japanese was one of those languages that I’ve always sort of known but never fully mastered. One of my grandmothers was a Japanese language teacher in Taiwan and grew up in the era of Japanese colonialism. Both she and my … Continue reading
DUDE WTF ASIA: Video Teaches Koreans How to Swear in English
I really don’t know how to introduce this video, so I won’t — but beware. The following video contains language not suitable for all ages. The first couple of minutes kind of had me rollin’, but after thinking about what … Continue reading
Huffington Post’s Usage of “Bu Shi” is “Bu Dwei”
Know how someone will look at you funny when you try a foreign language and you totally say something that you don’t have a clue about? Especially in Asian languages, where you could be throwing around phrases online translation software … Continue reading
Watching TV on a Sony Bravia HDTV can improve my Chinese?
A loyal reader pointed us to this latest Sony commercial. In an ever-increasing field of HDTV manufacturers, Sony has been making the case that it’s worth buying their brand and claims, “You can’t fake Sony quality. It makes watching sports … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Technology, TV
Tagged advertising, chinese, commercial, consumer marketing, electronics, golf, HD, JT, Justin Timberlake, language, Ni Hao Kai Lan, Payton Manning, ping pong, Sony, tv
Praxis Language Releases Additional Language Podcasts
I was talking to a friend of mine and he asked if I’ve ever heard of Chinesepod. In fact, I had a long time ago — John had previously blogged about Praxis Language and its predecessor, ChinesePod — but apparently … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Observations
Tagged Chinesepod, Japanesepod, language, lanuage, learning, podcast, Praxis Language
Adding a Helping of Heritage on a Full Plate (Part 1 – Language)
“Dad, what are they saying?” said Number One Son. “Yeah, what are they talking about?” said Number Two Son. My sons were referring to the animated conversation that was going on in Tagalog between, their Aunts, their Uncles, and the … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Observations
Tagged Asian-American, Family, Filipino, language, Tagalog, Travis Kraft
LPGA policy for speaking English in 2009
I’m not so sure I’m in disagreement with this new 2009 policy on all golfers requiring to speak English at all. Apparently there are many foreign players in the LPGA; it just happens that forty five of those are from … Continue reading
Should Asian Americans support English as the only language?
It’s interesting that this topic is coming up left and right in the political realm right now due to the amount of immigrants that have migrated to the United States. While the current topic seems to surround the Latino community … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations, Politics
Tagged Asian, English, language, support
The Chinese aren’t into peace and quiet?
Perhaps. In fact, it’s was very interesting when I was perusing Blognation’s Mind the Gap, and practicaly laughed out loud when I saw this littie bit: “Not so in China. Farmers, workers, and even rich businessmen have adopted the universally-accepted … Continue reading