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Tag Archives: mental health
An Asian American Journalist Talks about Overcoming Depression
In this piece from The Fil Am magazine, Asian American journalist Ryan Macasero opens up about his struggle with depression. He talks about how depression first set in during childhood and how free mental health services in college helped him … Continue reading
The Oikos University Shooting: Mental Health and Korean American Community
There have been a number of school shootings in the news lately, with the most recent including an elementary school in the Pacific Northwest and a middle school in in Texas in 2012. I can think of few things more … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Religion, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Christianity, korean american, mental health
Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Depression & Suicide Among Asian American Women
By Kristina Wong Kristina Wong delves deep into the sky high rates of depression and suicide among Asian American Women to make ‘Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.’ “I’m Definitely Not Crazy. But I Probably am Lying.” My earliest memories … Continue reading
Posted in Lifestyles, Movies, Observations, The Arts
Tagged depression, film, Kristina Wong, mental health, suicide
Depression, Suicide and Asian American Women: My Story
By June Some questions were raised in a recent interview in NPR about why there is a high percentage of suicide among Asian-American women. There are allusions to the high pressures of Asian parents and the usual stereotypes of submissive … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Family, Observations
Tagged depression, mental health, suicide, therapy, women