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Tag Archives: Missing Persons
Missing Persons Case, Los Angeles area: Richard Im
UPDATE 2/18/2020: Family Update: A person who is aware of our search came across our brother and encouraged him to reach out. Richard then made contact with us by phone to let us know that he is safe. However, Richard … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Local, Southern California
Tagged Missing Persons, Police, Richard Im, San Gabriel Valley, SGV
1 Comment
Help Find Amber Viado, Missing Since September 16, 2012
EDITOR’S UPDATE: According to the San Jose Police Department and the Amber Viado Missing Facebook page, Amber was found safe on 9/24/2012. No other details are available. –Joz My sons asked me if I had heard about the missing Presentation … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Amber Viado, Missing Persons