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Tag Archives: Mission Peak
Fremont: The Asian American City that rates as “Happiest” in the United States
In the movie Didi, the lead character Chris seems anything but happy. Ironically, his home of Fremont, which is also the home town of Didi‘s creator Sean Wang, was selected by Wallethub as the happiest city in the United States. … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Dìdi (弟弟), ethnoburbs, Fremont, Fremont California, Joan Chen, Mission Peak, Sean Wang
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City of Fremont restricts Mission Peak parking
A survey conducted by New America Media shows that people of color do care about the preservation of public lands. This is confirmed by the fact that Fremont’s Mission Peak is a favorite place for Asian Americans to hike, and … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Fremont, Hiking, Mission Peak, parking
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Selfie-seeking Asian Americans Cause Problems and Changes at Mission Peak
When I hiked Mission Peak two years ago, I saw lots of Asians on the trails, but I was surprised to see recent headlines like “Crowds Overrun Mission Peak in Fremont to Shoot Selfies.” Apparently, the number of hikers there … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Environment, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Hiking, Mission Peak
Asian Americans Take a Hike — Up Mission Peak
I started noticing pictures of people on Mission Peak (located in Fremont, California) on Facebook a while ago. Asians ranging from The Daughter and her friends to retired friends of ours were posting pictures of themselves hanging off the pole … Continue reading
The Wealthiest Asian American Neighborhoods
“When you get past the first gate, you drive in for a while and then you have to get through another gate in order to get to her house.” “You mean she lives in a gated community within a gated … Continue reading