8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
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A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
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The Role of Asian Greeks Today
Tag Archives: New York
‘Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion’ Exhibition Opens in NY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awuVO7unZA4 If you want a really quick run-down of Chinese American history, you can read this article on the exhibit in New York City, brought to you by the New York Historical Society, featured in the New York Times. Entitled … Continue reading
Jeremy Lin’s Houston Rockets Move Angers Fans
If you haven’t heard already from numerous sources, Jeremy Lin has officially taken the $25 million offer from Houston Rockets after his home team, the New York Knicks, refused to match the offer. If I was in his shoes, I … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Sports
Tagged houston rockets, Jeremy Lin, knicks, money, NBA, New York, New York Knicks, racism
Fight Breaks Out Between Muslims & NY Police Over Hijabs
August 31st marked the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. For those who know the ordeal and discipline one must go through with Ramadan, it is clear to say that Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion worth celebrating. … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged asians, Discrimination, hijabs, Islam, islamophobia, muslims, New York
VIRAL like SARS: George Takei’s Spider-Man Audition
I have always had a profound respect for George Takei but that man is just made of winning. From calling anti-gay Arkansas school board member Clint McCance a douchebag to this, an audition attempt to play Spider Man, it is … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Viral Like SARS
Tagged broadway, George Takei, Lea Salonga, New York, spider man
1 Comment
From Predators to Year Zero: Interview with Louis Ozawa Changchien
2010 is gearing up to be a big year for Louis Ozawa Changchien. The half Japanese half Taiwanese actor has a major role in Robert Rodriguez’s Predators coming out this summer and Michael Golamco’s Year Zero at New York’s Second … Continue reading
Posted in 8Questions, Entertainment, Movies, The Arts
Tagged Fair Game, Louis Ozawa Changchien, Movies, New York, Off Broadway, Play, Predators, Year Zero
Runoff Election Tonight in NYC: John C. Liu Vs. David Yassky for City Comptroller
Tonight, after I get off work, I will be casting my vote for New York City comptroller in the runoff election between city councilmen John C. Liu and David Yassky. As previously blogged about here on 8Asians, Liu received the … Continue reading
Posted in New York, Politics
Tagged election, John C Liu, New York, NYC, Politics, runoff
The Evolution of Banh Mi
One of my fondest memories of coaching The Daughter’s volleyball team was at a long tournament where we had a potluck lunch of tasty Filipino and Vietnamese food (the team was mostly Asian). Not just standard fare like lumpia but … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink, Local, New York, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged banh mi, New York, San Jose