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Tag Archives: North Korea
Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller Released from North Korea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AcE2Ebr0Y0 The two Americans Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller that have been held in North Korea for months now have been freed on the order of Kim Jung Un. They have been reunited with family and are the last … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events
Tagged Kenneth Bae, kim jung un, Matthew Todd Miller, North Korea
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North Korea Frees American After 4 Months Detention
In June 2014, 56-year old Jeffrey Fowle was detained for being accused of purposefully leaving his Bible in a hotel room. Americans Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller are still detained in North Korea.
North Korea Refuses Envoy for Three Americans
As reported by CBS News, North Korea has refused to allow a high level envoy to retrieve three American citizens from their detainment. The three include Matthew Miller of Bakersfield, CA; Jeffrey Fowle of Miamisburg, Ohio; and Kenneth Bai of … Continue reading
SNL Skit on Kim Jung Un
Posted in Comedy, Current Events, Entertainment
Tagged Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, snl
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North Korea Imprisons Korean American Kenneth Bae, Possibly As Bait
From AP: “An American detained for nearly six months in North Korea has been sentenced to 15 years of labor for crimes against the state, the North’s state media said Thursday… Analysts say Pyongyang could use Bae as a bargaining … Continue reading
Red Dawn Remake Changes Villain to North Korea
The last time I checked the Red Dawn remake, their release date was put on hold indefinitely and that news alone was enough to keep me happy. But yesterday, I stumbled upon this article from Racebending that not only is … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Entertainment, Movies, Observations, Politics
Tagged China, Homefront, john milius, mgm, North Korea, red dawn, stereotypes, yellow peril
Marching as a Homefront North Korean Soldier at E3 2010
There was a rather interesting sight at the 2010 E3 trade show (Electronic Entertainment Expo) last Tuesday where North Korean soldiers were marching around in circles inside the convention center and around the Staples center in Los Angeles. No, it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Observations, Southern California
Tagged E3, Homefront, North Korea, Videogames
Laura Ling & Euna Lee’s First Statement Posted at Current TV’s site
Finally, they speak. Ever since Ling & Lee were captured, indicted, and then pardoned & released by North Korea earlier this year, the world has wondered what really happened in the days leading up to the imprisonment of the two … Continue reading
Posted in (simple), Current Events, Politics
Tagged Euna Lee, journalists, Laura Ling, North Korea
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The Struggles of Euna Lee’s Family While She Was Imprisoned in N. Korea
We all rejoiced together when Euna Lee and Laura Ling were safely returned home. And I’m sure most of us wept and worried with their loved ones when we weren’t sure what would happen to our two journalists. A few … Continue reading
Posted in (simple)
Tagged Euna Lee, Family, imprisonment, journalists, Kim Jong-Il, Laura Ling, North Korea, struggle
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Journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee pardoned and released by North Korea
According to North Korean state-run news agency KCNA, Kim Jong-Il has pardoned Laura Ling and Euna Lee. News of the pardons came hours after former President Bill Clinton met with the North Korean leader to discuss the case of the … Continue reading
Posted in (simple), Current Events
Tagged Bill Clinton, Euna Lee, Kim Jong-Il, Laura Ling, North Korea, pardoned
Musical Diplomacy and Tears in North Korea… NOT
The New York Philharmonic held an unprecedented concert in Pyongyang that was supposed to lead to warmer ties between North Korea and the United States. Oh wait, let me rephrase that; better relations between Kim Jon-Il and the United States. … Continue reading