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Tag Archives: Peter Liu
Asian American Commercial Watch: Sheng Thao for Oakland Mayor: “Determined”
Although I live in the San Francisco Bay Area (since 1999), I’ve never lived in Oakland and rarely make it there, but I do know that Oakland City Council member Sheng Thao is running for Mayor of Oakland this November. … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Commercial Watch, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area
Tagged Oakland, Peter Liu, Sheng Thao
Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Oakland Mayoral Candidate Peter Liu
I live about 35 miles south of San Francisco and don’t often make it across the bay to Oakland, so I haven’t been following the Oakland mayoral race, so I was surprised to see this headline about Jimmy Kimmel mocking … Continue reading
Posted in Asian American Commercial Watch, Comedy, Entertainment, Local, Politics, San Francisco Bay Area, TV
Tagged Peter Liu