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Tag Archives: political science
What Canadians can Teach American Conservatives about Getting Asian Votes
To reinforce ties with Asian Canadians, Canada’s conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently sent out Lunar New Year Greetings and celebrated the New Year with Chinese Canadians in Vancouver. Some Canadians suggest that American conservatives look at Harper as an … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged Canada, Conservatives, political science, Politics, Stephen Harper, Toronto politics, voting
An Open Letter to Alexandra Wallace, Ranting UCLA Girl
Before I get started on this lovely open letter, for those of you who don’t know, Alexandra Wallace is a UCLA student who posted the above YouTube video yesterday about her rant on Asian students making too much noise in … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Lifestyles, Observations, Southern California
Tagged 18MMW, alexandra wallace, asians, boobs, bruins, ching chong, hate speech, parents, political science, rant, ucla