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Tag Archives: prejudice
Lowes Pulls Ads From TLC’s All-American Muslim
TLC’s All-American Muslim profiles several Michigan Muslim families as normal people with everyday issues and triumphs. It has been generally well received by the public and critics, which I see this as a real positive sign that we are making … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Entertainment, Family, Lifestyles, Religion, TV
Tagged all-american muslim, asian americans, asians, bigotry, florida family association, Islam, lowe's, muslims, prejudice, stereotype, terrorism
Cuéntame: Fighting Against Hatred & Violence
Unai Montes-Irueste of Cuéntame Outreach shared this video with me and after watching it, I am reminded that while we should have pride and solidarity with our own Asian Pacific American communities, we must constantly be vigilant and extend our … Continue reading
Debunking the Myths of the “Ground Zero Mosque”
At this point, some of you may be aware of the controversy surrounding the “Ground Zero Mosque” and the high emotions that are surrounding this construction. There have been many different viewpoints and opinions on it, with many of the … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Education, New York
Tagged 9/11, fox news, Islam, muslim, prejudice, protest, wtc