8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
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Tag Archives: racism
The Molded Minority
In the discussions of racism and its impact in the United States, people often commonly refer to the racial relationships between White and Black Americans. In history textbooks, we study in depth the discriminatory practices and laws perpetrated by Whites … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Education, History, Legal, Politics
Tagged Asian American discrimination, asian american history, China, Chinese Exlusion Act, coronavirus, COVID-19, dubois, hate crime, Model Minority, racism, ron desantis, SB147, sinoiphobia, sociology, StopAAPIHate, xenophobia
1 Comment
Julie Chen Says Having Surgery to Look “Less Asian” Helped Her Career
http://youtu.be/wrf7xXHdjLk I personally applaud Julie Chen for her courage to speak out about her eye plastic surgery. The co-host of The Talk revealed her secret about her difficult decision of getting a plastic surgery on her eyes just to pursue … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, TV
Tagged jose antonio vargas, julie chan, plastic surgery, racism
Book Summary: Making Paper Cranes
One of our own has recently published a book. Mihee Kim-Kort published Making Paper Cranes: Toward an Asian American Feminist Theology. Some might call it cliche because it’s a little Joy Luck Club meets Mulan. An Asian mother teaching her Asian daughter to … Continue reading
Posted in APA Faith Matters, Books, Family, Religion
Tagged Asian-American, Christianity, faith, racism, spirituality
Another White College Kid Rants About Asians: Is Samuel Hendrickson the New Alexandra Wallace?
UPDATE 3/9/2013 @ 10am: YouTube removed the original video for being hate speech, so I’ve updated the video embed with a mirror from LiveLeak. Thanks to commenter Aishi Yupi for providing the link. UPDATE 3/6/2013 @ 9:30pm Pacific Time: It … Continue reading
Posted in Comedy, Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged alexandra wallace, apology, cheap humor, college, ethnic humor, humor, racial intolerance, racism, racist, sam hendrickson, samuel hendrickson, video, videos, vlogging
Highlights Of Voter Suppression In Asian America
Since the sixth of November is 2012’s election year, Mother Jones recently put out an article on the timeline of voter suppression in America. What’s interesting about the piece is that many individuals from Asian American history are right there … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, History
Tagged elections, history, racism, voting
Shooting Spree in Milwaukee Sikh Temple Leaves Seven Dead
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece contains viewpoints from the author regarding the alleged gunman and the gunman’s possible intent(s). As the investigation of the Sikh temple is ongoing, the Editors remind all readers that the opinions and assumptions in this piece … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination
Tagged hate crimes, milwaukee, racism, sikhs, terrorism
Jeremy Lin’s Houston Rockets Move Angers Fans
If you haven’t heard already from numerous sources, Jeremy Lin has officially taken the $25 million offer from Houston Rockets after his home team, the New York Knicks, refused to match the offer. If I was in his shoes, I … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Sports
Tagged houston rockets, Jeremy Lin, knicks, money, NBA, New York, New York Knicks, racism
Why George Takei is Simply Awesome
If you’ve been using Facebook for the past year or so, chances are that you may have come across a hilarious meme, quote, or pictures from a certain “George Takei.” You may be asking yourself, “Wait, George Takei as in … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, LGBT
Tagged akira, Asian-American, funny, gay, geekdom, George Takei, goofy, homophobia, humor, Japanese American, LGBT, memes, nerd, oh my, racism, Star Trek, star wars, Sulu
DUDE WTF ASIA: SNL Korea Does Blackface
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=75MsuOUIDtI For starters, I didn’t even know there was a Korean version of Saturday Night Live — so it came as a surprise to me when folks have been bringing to my attention that SNL Korea did a parody of … Continue reading
Posted in DUDE WTF ASIA, Entertainment, TV, Viral Like SARS, WTF
Tagged african-americans, blackface, korea, racism, snl, stereotype
Memorial To Be Placed at Oregon’s Chinese Massacre Cove
On May 25, 1887, a group of up to 34 Chinese miners were massacred by a group of white frontiersmen in Hells Canyon in a section of the Snake River now officially known as Chinese Massacre Cove. After robbing them … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, History
Tagged American frontier, chinese, Discrimination, hate crime, massacre, old west, Oregon, racism