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Tag Archives: San Francisco International Film Festival
CAAMFEST 2018 – May 10-24, San Francisco & Oakland
CAAMFEST 36 One of the things that I appreciate about the San Francisco Bay Area after I moved here is the rich cultural activities in the area, and that includes the annual Asian American film festival known as CAAMFEST (known … Continue reading
San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival Now CAAMFest – 3/14 – 3/24
When I first moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, one of the first annual events I attended was the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival (SFIAAFF). Yes, that is quite a mouthful, so maybe that is why the … Continue reading
‘The Invention of Dr. Nakamats’ Comes to the San Francisco International Film Festival
I’ve been attending the San Francisco International Film Festival for the past couple of days and I have come to the conclusion that pummeling through a gauntlet of movies during a film festival was just as I remember: exhausting and … Continue reading