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Tag Archives: Sulu
Why George Takei is Simply Awesome
If you’ve been using Facebook for the past year or so, chances are that you may have come across a hilarious meme, quote, or pictures from a certain “George Takei.” You may be asking yourself, “Wait, George Takei as in … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, LGBT
Tagged akira, Asian-American, funny, gay, geekdom, George Takei, goofy, homophobia, humor, Japanese American, LGBT, memes, nerd, oh my, racism, Star Trek, star wars, Sulu
John Cho Flashes Forward
FlashForward itself is loosely based on Sawyer’s 1999 novel of the same title, where the entire world loses two minutes and seventeen seconds and gives a glimpse of the future six months from the current time frame. In just catching … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, TV
Tagged Flash Forward, Harold and Kumar, john cho, novel, Sawyer, Sulu