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Tag Archives: Taco Bell
Vietnamese Fast Casual Experiment Angers Vietnamese Americans in Texas
Is Vietnamese food going to be the “next big thing” in American Dining? Yum Brands, which owns Taco Bell and KFC, is trying out Fast Casual Vietnamese food with the launch in Dallas of “Banh Shop“, an experimental fast casual … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Food & Drink
Tagged Bahn Shop, banh mi, Chipotle, Shophouse, Taco Bell
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Asian American Commercial Watch: “Twins” for Taco Bell’s Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWRATkGYF-c An Asian guy rarely gets the girl in a TV commercial, but two of them each getting a girl? And in the same commercial? And the girls are white too? Not your typical TV commercial, but although I should … Continue reading
Posted in Dating, TV
Tagged A, commercial, Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco, Taco Bell, twins