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Tag Archives: underwear
DUDE WTF ASIA: Japanese’s Calorie Burning Underwear
Before you watch this commercial for Japan’s “Calorie Shaper” underwear, make sure that you have two minutes of your life to wonder what the hell you just watched. And you might want to get the wastebasket ready when the 70’s … Continue reading
Posted in Business, DUDE WTF ASIA, Fashion, WTF
Tagged Calorie Shapers, calories, Goldwin, japanese, underwear
Kaneshiro does Emporio Armani
It seems that the once Prada model, now movie star, is getting back into the biz. Takeshi Kaneshiro will appear in the fall 2008 and winter 2009 campaigns alongside David Beckham in Armani’s underwear advertisements. I’m not really sure how … Continue reading